Thursday, 28 August 2014

Kenya vision 2030 political pillar

Political Pillar
The Political Pillar of Vision 2030 objective is to move to the future as one nation and envisions a democratic system that is issue based; people centered, results oriented, and are accountable to the public. It targets five main areas: The rule of law – the Constitution of Kenya, electoral and political processes, democracy and public service delivery, transparency and accountability, and security, peace building and conflict management
Rule of Law. Kenya’s 2010 constitution provides for increased accountability and transparency to combat pervasive corruption, but no top officials have been successfully prosecuted for corruption since 2002
Electoral and Political Processes. The first application of technology in the 2013 elections aimed to guarantee the integrity of the voter register through the use of a Biometric Voter Registration system that was acquired at a cost of 95 million USD.
Democracy and Public Service Delivery
Transparency and Accountability. The police, the judiciary, and the Ministry of Defense have been identified as some of the country’s most corrupt institutions. Although the judiciary is independent, the courts are understaffed and underfinanced, leading to delays.

Security, Peace-Building and Conflict Management. In September 2013, it suffered its largest terrorist attack since the 1998 U.S. embassy bombing.

Kenya Vision 2030 social pillar

Social Pillar
The Social Pillar of Vision 2030 has the objective of improving the quality of life for all Kenyans. It aims to do this by targeting human and social welfare programs, specifically: education and training, health, environment, housing and urbanization, children and social development, and youth and sports.
Education and Training, many educational institutions opening up at all levels offering both local and international curriculum to fit the needs of the learners, e g very many universities have come up with evening classes to cater for the needs of the working class who are not available during the day this has been enhanced through marketing,
The Health Sector, marketing has led to improvement of services offered at both private and public health facilities through cancer centers and proper awareness on various health issues for instance healthy eating a program on NTV Sunday morning.
The Environment, Waste management system, rehabilitation and Protection of Indigenous Forests in Five Water Towers preparation of a National Spatial Plan, Secure Wildlife Corridors and Migratory Routes
Housing and Urbanization, Producing 200,000 Housing Units Annually by 2012 under Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Other Initiatives Establish Housing Technology Centers in Each Constituency Installation of Physical and Social Infrastructure in Slums in 20 Urban Areas Enacting Housing Bill, 2006 to Legislate for a One-Stop Housing Development Approvals Mechanism Develop an Integrated Growth and Development Strategy for Six Metropolitan Regions.
Gender, Youth and Vulnerable, Women  and youths Enterprise Fund, Establishment of Consolidated Social Protection Fund, Representation of People with Disabilities in Decision Making Process ,Gender Mainstreaming, Affirmative Action Policy Gender Disaggregated Data, Implementation of Disability Fund

Equity and Poverty.Poverty levels remain high in Kenya. The country is unlikely to meet the millennium development goal (MDG) to halve extreme poverty by 2015. The most recent data suggests roughly 45% of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day, and more than 65% on less than $2.

Thematic Overview of Kenya Vision 2030 (Economic pillar)

 Economic Pillar. 
      The Economic Pillar is seeking to achieve growth in the Gross Domestic Product of 10 percent by 2012. The economic areas that the Vision 2030 is targeting are: tourism, agriculture, wholesale/retail trade, manufacturing, IT enabled services, and Financial Services.
         Tourism, marketing has boosted the image of existing tourism attraction spots hence more foreign and local  tourist which in turn has led to more businesses opening up in the tourism and hotel industries, Development of Resort Cities, Underutilized Parks Initiative, Development of Niche Products, Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE)Premium Parks Initiative. 
         Increasing value in Agriculture, for example  Kenchic have improve the way they do their packaging of the product to appeal to both the local and  foreign market through marketing
         A better and more Inclusive wholesale and retail,  Trade Sector Creation of Producer Business Groups Building ‘Tier 1’ Markets Wholesale Hub,
         Manufacturing for the Regional Market, with the strengthening up of the East African community, marketing has enhanced regional trade there by producing better and more improved products and services that can compete in the regional market.
         Financial Services, International Financial Centre, Deepening of Capital Markets. More and more financial institutions coming up and offering wide range of products and services e.g. LPO financing for tenders, Chama accounts for women and youth groups. Business financing, flexible loans and mortgage. Amongst others.